Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 26th, 27th

Tuesday, 26th

9:30 AM: 1 c. oats, 1 tbsp pb
1 PM: lowfat yogurt, protein bar
7 PM: 1 1/2 veggie c. veggie pasta

ran 3 miles

8 waters

8 hours sleep

Energy at a 7

Wednesday, 27th

7:30 AM: ww pb sand
10:30 AM: 1/4 c. almonds and pumpkin seeds, cheesetick, applesauce
2:30 PM: orange pineapple smoothie
5:30 PM: ww pb sand
9 PM: 1 1/2 c. brown rice with butter and salt

For some reason, I was STARVING today!!  I could not get enough.  I ate waaay too much starch, and not a stitch of produce!  Basically we are out of produce until Saturday though, so that probably won't improve too much.

no excercise

9 waters

slept terribly

energy at a 7

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